Inspired by the discourse of Keller Easterling and James Corner, my thesis research utilizes drawing and mapping to study how human activity shapes, and is shaped by the built environment. Building from the work of architects and theorists such as Bernard Tschumi and Rem Koolhaas, I am implementing activity as a software that shapes and inscribes the urban fabric, applying “active form’’ through different community interventions.
This research discovers how we can make “active forms” physical through interventions that offer public, culture, and community spaces on the street level. In initial studies, these interventions happen through hacking and repurposing permits and road objects to create dance parties, fashion shows, theaters, skate parks, markets, and shelters that populate the street. This model can be generated across distances to manipulate the urban software and instruct how the city fabric performs, promoting urban leisure through public, community-sensible spaces.
Speculative Research Drawings: Street Interventions

Unmeasurable Spaces is the synthesis of earlier research on “object and active forms” and a further look into the increase of digital surveillance in society. While creating street interventions in the same vein as the research drawings, Unmeasurable Spaces also explores how public space can encourage more physical interactions in an increasingly digital world.
The design consists of a series of public pavilion installations that use a formal and material language to subvert five digital measuring systems: CCTV cameras, thermal imaging, sound detection, depth mapping, and geolocation cell towers. To provide agency to the public and relief from the surveillance and subsequent commodification of life in the city, the subversive intentions are implemented on a spectrum, establishing a variety of pavilions that allow users to choose the level of digital interaction and surveillance with which they are comfortable.
Architectural Drawing
Lens of Machine drawing


Depth Mapping


